How to save a car in gta 4
How to save a car in gta 4

Kill all of the cops in close proximity, then when you get the chance, run to the end of the street. Move further down the street and take cover again. Firing at the car and making that blow up is a quick way to clear them out but it'll take a fair amount of ammo. Keep emptying bullets into them until they're all gone. Take cover against the wall and fire at the two or three cop cars which have just arrived. Make your way across the road, firing at the cops who are close enough to pose a threat, then go into the back streets of China Town. Once these cops are dead, Packie will tell you to head down the street.

how to save a car in gta 4

Remember to reload whenever you get a chance to save you from having to do it in the middle of a firefight.

how to save a car in gta 4

Make sure you zoom in with the M4 Carbine, and try to get headshots to save ammo. You can take cover behind one of the police cars. Once the first batch of cops are taken care of, head down the alley and kill a bunch more to both ends of the street. Cover is vitally important to you if you don't want to end up dead.

how to save a car in gta 4

The area is infested with cops, so take some cover behind whatever objects are available to you and take out all of the cops in the alleyway. After you've taken a few of the closer cops out, Packie and the guys will run around the corner to the right into an alley. Head to the doorway and fire off some shots at the cops outside using an assault rifle. Once that's done, you'll see another Hollywood-esque cutscene where the cops surround the place. Once the safe's been blown open, you need to head downstairs and get the money. Once you arrive, head inside and watch the cutscene that looks like it's come straight out of a movie. Once they're in the car, make your way to the bank by following your GPS. Grab a four seater vehicle and pick up the guys.

how to save a car in gta 4

Once everyone gets to know each other, it's time to rob a bank.

How to save a car in gta 4